Friday, November 2, 2007

More from the zoo: the lion's mouth

Probably every zoo has one of these --- but I have not been to many zoos --- and this is the first one of them that I've seen. It's actually a water fountain (which was unfortunately turned off, so we had to go and buy a couple of bottles of bottled water instead). Still, it was a cute shot, and so I took it. LOML promptly claimed to have taken the exact same shot a few months ago on a trip to the zoo without me....

Yours, tritely,


Anonymous said...

Shamrocks and shenanigans.

kenju said...

That's really cute - as are the children!
Michele says hello.

Teena in Toronto said...

I'm a Leo so that would be soooo cool!

BTW, Michele says hello :)

Anonymous said...

I loved that.The children are adorable from behind!

Michele sent me here to hug those kids!

kenju said...

Still cute - and Michele sent me. Did you know that you can use your VIC card at Harris Teeter today and buy a turkey for 19 cents per pound? I hope you have Harris Teeter where you live.

utenzi said...

That picture is quite adorable. The state zoo here in NC doesn't have anything like that --- at least not that I've noticed. Plenty of animals but no animal drinking fountains.

Michele sent me over. Hi!

Susan Helene Gottfried said...

Michele sent me, BB! Howdy! It's been too long (all my fault).

Our local park has one of those lion fountains. We were just there an hour ago; they've taken it down for the winter so it doesn't freeze and explode.

That'd be hard to explain to the kids...

Shephard said...

Ok, I've never seen one of those, and have been to many zoos! I love it! What a great photo opportunity! Very clever!
~S :)

Anonymous said...

What a hoot! Great shot N :)