Sunday, July 8, 2007

Poor Skibo

One day we will tease him mercilessly about the days when he used to wet the bed. Thankfully it is now a relatively rare occurrence --- but still when it happens a pain to deal with. And dealing with it tends to get in the way of going back to sleep, and so now, here I sit, at O'What O'Clock in the morning, blogging instead of sleeping.

Yours, currently awake,


Anonymous said...

It's my first time visiting here, so I'm not sure who Skibo is. I'd say maybe your son.
I recall those bed wetting days though....that was a million years ago,but sometimes feels like yesterday.
Michele said to say hi.......

BreadBox said...

Yup, our little boy, going to be 3 in August. And he is really very good, and the bedwetting is really very not bad at all. Thanks for visiting!
