Friday, July 13, 2007

When doing a good deed feels good, or kind serendipity

We really did invite E and A over for dinner because they were in hard times. Yes, it was because they are kind-of my students too, and in hard times, but it was meant as an act of kindness (and taken that way too!)
That said, we had an absolutely wonderful time: the food was simple, but simply wonderful (that is my ever-so-modest opinion) (but also the expressed opinion of everybody else, including Boo and Skibo!) the company was wonderful and E and A both played wonderfully with the sprogs:-)

Yours, contented,


jsdaughter said...

Nice of you to help them.. Michele sent me- I always get hungry when I visit you!

BreadBox said...

JsD: thank you! I take that as a lovely compliment:-)


mckay said...

ACK~! your post reminded me i have dinner burning downstairs!!
gotta run.

michele made me burn dinner.


BreadBox said...

Spending too much time on Michele's are we, McK?


awareness said...

hi there.....will try out Fusion. I will be up in Woodstock in the fall to deliver a workshop and will check it out.

Glad your evening and dins was fun. It's always such a good feeling to provide sustenance to's one of my fav things to do.......tomorrow is my turn to cook for friends. looking forward to it.

Teena in Toronto said...

I'm free most nights to pop over :)

Thanks for stopping by mine :)

BreadBox said...

Awareness: enjoy the cooking: we are doing a french theme tomorrow in honour of Bastille day, so it is going to be a wonderful kitchen spectacular!

Teena: If you are in the neighbourhood...


Anonymous said...

It was so nice for you to help husband and I had a similar experience just today, only on the flip side of the coin. We've fallen on hard times (my husband hasn't got a paycheck in 7 weeks because some idiot stole $300,000 from the company he works for..breaking them basically!), and our good friends bought my husband a $100 birthday dinner for his birthday was top choice ribeye steaks all around BBQ'd with potatoes, veggies and handmade rolls and we LOVED every moment of it.

Friends who do things like that are a treasure, but we do plan on "paying them back" once we get back on our feet and our friends have birthdays this fall ;)

Thanks for sharing...Michele sent me to ramble on like this tonight :D

BreadBox said...

Stephanie, Good luck getting back on your financial feet: hope that it all gets settled soon.
And while it may have been good of us to help them, it certainly felt good to us to do it! And I always like to think that what goes around comes around, and these are good people who will one day help someone else out:-)


carmilevy said...

They will remember this throughout their lives, and your kindness will be paid forward many, many times.

BreadBox said...

When I was a graduate student, I was paid many kindnesses --- I am still repaying them, with interest, to other people:-)
