Saturday, July 28, 2007

Mary Poppins versus The Princess Bride

So this afternoon, I thought, would be the perfect time to try to introduce the sprogles to The Princess Bride -- quite possibly my favourite movie (well, maybe not: that is surely Casablanca: but it is definitely in my list of top 20 movies, and I find it almost impossible to separate at that level). I've watched it over and over again, and love it!
But they are too young. We got to the shrieking eels, and I knew I couldn't put them through the rest of it. Another couple of year, perhaps, for Boo, and maybe even then Skibo, though younger, will be ready. But not yet. Oh well. Dang.
So we put on Mary Poppins. And are happily ensconced in magic babysitting:-)

Yours, with a spoonful of sugar,


Anonymous said...

The princess bride is like a family tradition here. I love that flick. You just made my day.

Sent to you by michele

Anonymous said...

All my kids love Princess Bride but it's true they've got to get to a certain age before they can handle it!
Thanks for stopping by my blog- always happy to hear from annother MST3K fan!