Here are the loaves that Boo, Skibo, and Boo's unrelated 9 month younger twin B made (together with the larger loaves that B's daddy and I made at the same time): in order, they are made by: B, Skibo, B's daddy, me, Boo. Boo had a little help with the braiding, and I helped all of them with slashing the loaves.
Yours, proud of the sprogs,
The bread looks awesome! I only wish my bread would look so shapely but, alas, I'm much safer using a bread tin!. It seems that you all had a lot of fun making it, I hope you had fun eating it too!
RT: it was wonderful (and some of it still it, though a lot of it has been eaten already!)
It is really easy to shape bread this way --- I use an "italian loaf" mould, but have in the past just shaped on a board. Just stretch out the dough into a rectangle about the size of a sheet of A4 paper, and roll up the long edge into a baguette shape. Just before baking, take an extremely sharp knife and cut long flap-type slashes along the loaf to allow it to expand... I very rarely bake in a loaf tin these days:-)
I'm so glad I'm not the only one who let's their kids bake/cook.
It's so sad that the only time a lot of my Girl Scouts cook is when we go camping in the Spring.
I figure that cooking is a survival skill these days, and also that it is a great way to get children to count, read, think, measure, and so all sorts of other basic learning process things: I had them measure out the flour by the quarter cup yesterday just so that they could count out four additions of flour at a time!
And I love having other peoples' children in my kitchen too: one of the most fun things I've done was a playground fundraiser a year or two ago, where I made a bunch of pizza dough and we had kids build their own mini-pizzas for lunch. So much fun!
Next time you have kids over, cook outside in a box oven. My kids love doing this even though we do it for scout camping and car camping. http://www.laundryhexes.com/?p=59
Usually we just do something simple as a box cake mix when we're at home just to prove to the doubting child that you can bake with a box, but we've done everything from mini pizzas that we bought from a local take-n-bake pizza store to kick-butt giant muffins.
Another kid favorite lately is putting some heavy whipping cream in a water bottle (because I forgot the jar when we went scout camping) with a pinch of salt and making butter. The Girl Scouts were so proud/amazed that they made butter for every meal all weekend.
A box oven? Never heard of this, but must check it out!
We've done the making butter thing, and I think that the next adventure may be mozzarella...
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