Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Passing nice along

This is tough. Not such a surprise, of course.
But it is difficult to pick just seven people.
And especially to suggest by omission that others
are not nice: I most certainly do not mean that at all.

So I have chosen some people:
Cornish Dreamer
The Magpie Files
All of the above have had nice words for me or for others recently: and as far as I know, have not received the award already.... and if they have, then they get a chance to nominate some more people for this nice award.

Yours, trying to be nice in passing,


awareness said...

Nice is such a great Canadian word....it reminds me of cinammon toast and tea. I am honoured to be given this award, especially from someone whose name is so Nice.

thank you.

ps. I was quick to respond, n'est pas? I had just posted some more pics when i saw your comment. :)

kenju said...

Thank you for the award, Breadbox, I am humbled - and it couldn't come from a nicer blogger!

I just put up a new post, so I will tell the world about it tomorrow. Thanks again!

carmilevy said...

Thank you for this most welcome slice of kindness. It's been a difficult week around here, and your words of support couldn't have come at a better time.

Cornish Dreamer said...

Thank you so much for the award, that's realy kind of you.

Thank you.


alice c said...

Thankyou - I am soooo flattered - especially to be mentioned with so many other nice Blogistas.

Michele said...

Aww, BreadBox, how nice of you. (wink)

Thank-you so very much! I agree with Kenju that it "couldn't come from a nicer blogger."

I did pass along the Niceness Award a week or two ago. You are correct, it is so very difficult to choose only seven. So, what did I do? Well, I chose seven of my regular visitors who do not have blogs. Yes, it was bending the rules, however, have you seen my blogroll? Choosing seven would be near impossible for me.

Having said that, if I *had* to choose seven bloggers who are ALWAYS nice - you would certainly be on that list. Really! I read not only your comments on my blog but the wonderful ones I stumble upon when I visit other blogs. You always offer wonderful words or wisdom, insight, encouragement or humour. Yes, it is YOU that deserves many niceness awards.

Thank you BreadBox, for always being so very nice to me and for including me in such a fine list of oh-so-nice bloggers.

Carli N. Wendell said...

You've definitely included some very nice people. . . don't forget to add yourself to the list! :)
Here from Michele, hope you have a peaceful visit with the in-laws.