Thursday, September 6, 2007

What I'm (going to be) listening to: poetry edition

With Boo and Skibo learning about space, I am pretty sure that they are going to learn the following little verse: she learned it last year, complete with a bunch of actions: putting on a helmet, blasting off, hands moving like rocket ships....

Space Trip

My space suit is on,
I'm ready for the trip.
Let's blast off in a rocket ship!

Ready for the countdown,
Engine is on.
5, 4, 3, 2, 1.....We're gone!

There goes Venus,
Now past Mars.
Dodging comets and shooting stars!

Landing on a planet,
Lots to do.
We'll be back in a light year or two!

Rozanne Williams

Yours, enchanted,

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey, I like that. I can just the picture the actions too.

Michele sent me to imagine the actions by the munchkins!