Tuesday, September 18, 2007

A teacher's delight

As I have mentioned before, I teach an origami class --- or more precisely, I lead an origami club at the Montessori school: it is lots of fun: there are a dozen students who have turned up so far, and potentially a few more. They are nice kids, polite, excited, happy and eager to learn origami.
And then there are delightful moments like yesterday: I took Boo and Skibo to gymnastics class, and they had just run out onto the floor to practice when there was a little tug at my elbow: I looked down, and there were two big eyes, and a quiet voice saying "You're my origami teacher!". She was just thrilled to see me there! I made sure I watched some of her routine on the bar, and at one point, her trainer came over to me and said "She is *so* glad that you were watching: she really wanted to know if her origami teacher was watching her!

Yours, pleased,


Unique Designs from Zazzle said...

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Unique Designs from Zazzle said...


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be my guest

