Thursday, September 27, 2007

How long?

Yesterday, before we went to pick my parents up from the airport, I was prepping the kids for the fact that we were going to pick them up:
"Will it be long" asked Skibo.
"Yes", I replied, "About two hours".
"That's not long", was his response, "if you count it like this!"
And he held up two fingers to count two hours.....

Yours, counting on him,


kenju said...

Makes perfect sense to me! He's a smart kid. Michele thinks so too!

Pirate Princess said...

Oh that is too too cute. Aren't kids the greatest?! :D

Dak-Ind said...

kids are awesome. my sons are 15 and 2. if anyone asks the younger boy what his name is he will tell you he is two and hold up the approrpiate two fingers when you ask him to show you one.. he does... the middle one. he is actually Indiana. my other one (Duck) has a drivers liscence. i wonder if it is too late in life to start drinking?

michele sent me!

Pearl said...

That's a good way to look at it.