Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Violin lessons

One of the things which we liked about the Montessori school which Boo and Skibo attend is the potential to take violin lessons at an early age: apparently they practise either the Suzuki method or something very close to it, and I like the idea of exposing small children to music and the idea that they can make it at a very young age.

Last year, we kept waiting to hear that Boo had started learning violin: and never did: eventually we found out that there had been some misinformation, and since she had been 3 when she started she wasn't eligible: she turned 4 in November, but they wouldn't have started her until either the next semester or the next year: we never found out which, since we went away for the winter to Canada.

I had been wondering what was up with violin this year -- there had been essentially no mention of it since, until today.

Boo is usually extremely reluctant to talk about her day at school ("What work did you do today, Boo?" "All of it" is a typical exchange) but today when I asked her how her day had been, she started to talk about it, and after mentioning a few things, added "and violin".

So it appears that she has started to learn another musical instrument before she and I get to have piano lessons together!

Yours, in harmony,


awareness said...

glad to see there is harmony....
I just read the busy day post and can relate. However, we don't really start up until next week when school starts here. Today, I signed up my son for a new season of basketball....he is also taking swim lessons and plans to learn the guitar this year. My daughter? She's auditioning for TNB school again (loved it last year) and plans to swim as well...oh, and music lessons I think.

This is tame compared to most of their friends....not only can i not imagine fitting much more in, I can't figure out how people afford it.

BreadBox said...

Awareness: I'm with you on all that, especially the cost of it all -- I had some idea that the gymnastics lessons were about $70 each --- it turned out that they were $165 for the semester! Each. Worth it, I think, but I was flambobbulatzled.

Is TNB Theater New Brunswick?


Anonymous said...

That's cool the school offers lessons.

Cornish Dreamer said...

That's excellent that she's got the opportunity to learn a musical instrument. You must be so proud.

I know this isn't really relevant, but on Friday I'll be giving my electric guitar to one of my nieces. Since I broke my finger a year or so ago, I've not been able to play it . It will make me happy knowing that she'll learn to play it and (who knows) gain a passion for music.

Anonymous said...

I wonder if the suzuki method is comparable to the method that Dr. Lewis uses?