But for years now I have been calling my Danish bread whisk a "brotpick": and after a couple of queries recently about what a brotpick is, I decided to check my spelling online, only to discover, that not only is my spelling wrong, so is my whole word!
So, for future reference, the word is brotpisker, which unfortunately sounds slightly obscene, but so be it.
For MissMeliss, a picture of the beast in question:

Yours, errata-ically,
"Brotpisker" is a seriously cool word. Can you post a picture of one?
(Michele sent me.)
Let me see if I can find a picture: if not, I'll take one tomorrow or so... Oh, and the whisk is a seriously cool tool too:-)
Whoa... hadn't ever heard of the word so you could have fooled me.
Here from Micheles.
I am completely unfamilioar with this implement...but it looks like it does "good work"...!
Thanks for your comment on the Hummingbirds....I keep thinking that sometimes they look like they are reaching up to God and praying, when there wings are up like they are in that last picture...They are utterly fascinating and so touching, too!
So now I have learnt something new. I didn't even know special whisks for bread making exisited!
Michele sent me to get with the programme! :)
Does that mean you make your own bread? That must be very therapeutic but possibly not the best for the waistline becos' new-made bread smells divine and is irresistable. I wonder why you are 'breadbox'? Maybe all will be revealed:)
Michele says hi!
thinking about it- how could a delicate whisk like that be strong enough to whisk bread?
PI: yes, I do: there are some pictures of a few loaves (mainly crusty white loaves, and a batch or two of brioche) posted in July: in particular, after the 4th and the 14th (we had respectively big and little parties for each of the US and France's parties). The bread on the 14th was a joint effort with 2,3 and 4 year old children:-)
Why "breadbox"? Because I make bread, and a lot of it gets put away into me:-) I've been baking bread (occasionally hem-demi-semi-professionally, as in providing dough to a friend who ran a restaurant) for a few years now, and I've taught a dozen or so classes in it too.
The whisk is actually very sturdy. Not delicate at all!
Good Mornining! Michele sent me. the Brotpisker looks like a nifty tool and I'm amused that it's a Danish tool made in Poland. Then again, if you have ever worked with Polish dough for Pierogies of noodles, etc. It is tough dough to work with.
Have a great happy Friday.
I've never heard of it, but it looks awesome.
It still doesn't beat my favorite-named kitchen appliance: the mezzaluna. I don't have one, but I want one and I like the way it sounds.
I don't have a mezzaluna, but I do have an alaskan ulu knife, which is essentially the same thing: and I could call it a mezzaluna if I wanted to do so. I never use it to chop anything, though.... I prefer the way a chef's knife fits my hand.
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