Tuesday, June 19, 2007

A wonderful evening!

Since I had to have dinner with our visitor last night, tonight was LOML's to go out: and so I have been playing with Boo and Skibo: other than an occasional (and occasionally oppressive) round of "I want children's television" they've really been quite spectacularly good for days on end. (Although, those moments when Boo is being less than that good have been hard to deal with: the other night she threatened me with all sorts of nasty behaviour, including: "Do you want me to hit you?", "Do you want me to tell that you are not being nice" and some others not fit for polite conversation.
Oh, okay, the least of them was that she called me Poopy. There were worse, but I will save her from googlizability when she is 16. I'm just going to remember the story to tell when she least expects it:-)


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