Monday, June 11, 2007

McConnell is an ass

It is official: watching the no confidence debate on Gonzales, it is clear that not only is McConnell an ass, he is seen to be an ass, and presumably never more can deny that he is an ass.
D'Amato investigated the first lady. Whether Schumer was correct or not that this was inappropriate given his positions is irrelevant. Gonzales is an officer of the United States, with his position subject to Senate confirmation, and with official job duties subject to review by the Senate! This is why this investigation is different, and why McConnell's statements show that he is an ass.

Update: Lott says: this is the wrong thing to do because it gets in the way of important business. Oh, and yes, of course we republicans did it too, but ignore that. It is wrong to have democrats do this now. It is beneath the dignity of the senate.

What a crock.


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