Saturday, June 9, 2007


A good day for food. No photos -- there was too much else going on: we had most of my research experience for undergraduates students over, together with our visitor: LOML and I threw together two pots of chili: one with meat, the other with cashews. The cashew one was from either Moosewood or Enchanted Brocolli Forest (LOML is much less comfortable with improvising than I am): mine was a basic chili (onions, celery, tomatoes, bell peppers, meat) together with several different kinds of beans: dark red kidney, garbanzo, black, pinto, and with some frozen corn kernels thrown in. If I'd had more time, I'd have grilled the corn and cut off the kernels, but this was sort of a late decision.
Plus, I made bread. And for the first time since we got back in the house, the bread felt right. Not just okay, not just good, but like I remember how to make good bread again.

Damn, if it doesn't feel good!


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