Friday, June 15, 2007

Swearing for little people

Boo(4) is learning to swear. Yes, this makes me really happy. Fortunately, it seems that although both LOML and I manage to release the odd expletive on occasion (oh, okay, frequently) it appears that she can't remember exactly what she heard.

This evening just before bedtime, on being told she couldn't have any television, she pouted and told me in a very angry voice that "I am so pussed out with you right now" (pronounciation guide: here pussed should sound like the past tense of pus. As in pus-filled, not puss, as in kitty) Furthermore, she informed me, she was "pussed out with everybody in the whole world!" I inquired about Santa --- no, she wasn't pussed out at him. Nor the tooth fairy or the Easter bunny.... She was pussed out at every other individual I named, LOML, friends, etc. I decided not to try asking about too many people who might be upset if I named them!


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