Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Boo survived

Boo survived her sleepover last night --- apparently she saw a photo of Skibo there, and had a minor meltdown: one that almost inspired M's grandmother to phone us to come up and get her -- almost, but not quite.
Other that that short period of time (that, and the fact that she was up really late!) she had a great time. And M's grandmother made her a lovely certificate to show that she had "achieved her first sleepover". Extremely touching:-)

Yours, relieved,

1 comment:

awareness said...

One of my favourite photos is of my daughter and my friend's daughter at a young age hugging while sitting on my daughter's bed. Their smiles were was taken the morning after their first sleepover together. Since then, they have gone to overnight camp together, and this past spring flew on their own to Florida to spend a week with my parents.....and when they reach young adulthood, they both have desires to backpack through Europe.

And it all started with a sleepover excursion. :)

sleepovers are such good steps towards finding independence.