Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Getting down to busyness

This week is turning crazy.  I'd thought that it was crazy a few weeks ago, but this is worse.  We have our annual big lecturer here, giving two talks, one today and one tomorrow.  It's the week when students are starting to need to talk about what courses they'll take next semester. I've had lots of extra meetings about education projects.  And art exhibits.  And.  And.  And.
I can only be in three places at one time.  And if I hadn't been given the key to the 48-hour-per-day-closet, I don't know how I would cope.

On the plus side, one of my favourite students just won a major scholarship this afternoon, and then some music that he and I composed won its category in an art exhibit.  And my origami poetry came in second in another category.  And my head of department tells me that I am valued for what I do.  This is always nice to know.

Yours,  valuable,

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