Monday, August 18, 2008

A day full of bureaucracy: helping people register, then off home to whisk Boo down to her new school to meet her teacher, and some of her classmates. Fortunately (we think) she's in the same class as one of her friends. I say "we think", since he has a tendency to be something of a bad influence: but he's a sweet kid, and they are friends, so we are happy about it.
The teacher impressed both LOML and me, which relieved us both --- experienced, probably firm, but kind.
Now we just have to hope that Boo will wake up in the morning!

Yours, parentally,


Joke said...

Hell is filled with bureaucracy.


awareness said...

wow, the beginning of school already? Do they get time off in September to pick potatoes like they do in Florenceville? Is this why school starts before Labour Day?