Friday, August 3, 2007

Weekend plans

We are looking forward to this weekend --- starting this evening: we have a babysitter lined up to watch Boo and Skibo, so that LOML and I can go out with friends to dinner -- the Japanese restaurant, as always:-)
And tomorrow we have absolutely nothing planned --- I am sure that lots will come up, but we have nothing actually set in stone that we have to do: no reason that we have to be up at an awful hour of the day on a Saturday (or worse, Sunday) morning, no parties to take the sprogs to, nothing at all.
Which means, it is time to invite people over to dinner! [ makes a mental note to get out guest book and go down the lists ]

Now, what to cook....

Yours, scheming,


Anonymous said...

I love weekends when I don't have anything to do!!! Enjoy yours!

Michele sent me today.

Michael K. Althouse said...

It's nice to have nothing to do... and even nicer not to have some kind of insane urge to fill the time with something! And sleeping in can't be beat!

As for that dinner menu, I'm thinking it will include some fresh-baked bread? Just a guess.

Michele sent me,


BreadBox said...

Indigo: I fully intend to do so!
Mike: oh, definitely -- I have a lot of whey left over from the cheese making yesterday, and that will give me the incentive I need to knead, as if I needed one in the first place:-)


Anonymous said...

I love free weekends they are few and far between! glad you stopped by! BB is in a better mood of late so the fun spot is better!

Enjoy your weekend.

Kristen said...

ooh - sounds like a delightful weekend! we're going for japanese on sunday - we can't wait! of course, ours will include in-laws and children.

michele says hello

Kristen said...

ryc: we sometimes take the children with us, but at the moment we have a babysitter the children like, and so it is nice to get an evening away!

ABSOLUTELY!!! i totally agree. it's so nice to have some just adult time. even when you spend a lot of time talking about the kids. it's nice to get a sentence in without the requisite "mama!" hee hee

Meeta Banerjee said...

Ah I would love a weekend with nothing to do!

As for dinner plans- maybe something that celebrates summer? Salad party?

Michele sent me.

bcmomtoo said...

Grill something! That's what we're doing tomorrow. Having people over and grilling some steaks and whatever other people bring along. I also have to get the green beans I picked from the garden ready to cook.

Anonymous said...

Here from Micheles tonight.
I'm always happier when I have nothing on the slate- I'm planning Labor day weekend to be that way as I have 5 days off altogether during that weekend to relax during.
Have fun & enjoy!