Tuesday, April 13, 2010

A new design

I decided today to try to fold a rat --- without too much success:  I thought that I could take the bird base that I've used for the T-Rex, and modify it to make a rat, but so far the results have been disappointing.
So I started folding Joisel's rat, for inspiration: this is a model I've not folded before, and unfortunately I only got a few steps in before it was time to leave for dinner -- our regular Tuesday dinner at E&G's house.  I didn't take the diagrams along, but I did take paper: and I started folding the sequence but couldn't remember how it went.
So I continued just playing with the first few folds, experimenting with it, and discovered to my delight that it could be turned, relatively easily, into a standing model.  Of a flasher.  Not nude, clothed, but with a prominent protrusion below waist level.  I may have to try to fold it again.  Or completely forget about it!

Yours, creatively,

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