Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Push polled

Picked up the phone this afternoon, only to hear a recorded voice: "This is a poll, it will only take 45 seconds of your time": a few innocuous questions asked, about whether I am going to vote, which party I support, etc: and then "Do you consider yourself pro-life?" Accidentally replying yes (who knows why I replied that way --- I am solidly of the opinion that this is a difficult issue, best handled by completely avoiding unwanted pregnancies: but when it comes down to it, I am pro-choice, especially when there are medical indications) I was amazed by the sudden string of vituperative statements flying down the phone line:
"Did you know John McCain voted to allow using unborn children for medical research?"
"Did you know Mitt Romney has changed his position on abortion, flip flopping back and forth six or seven times?"
"Did you know Mike Huckabee has been absolutely consistent in his stan.."
Click. I hung up the phone, disusted.

Now, I was so angry at the call, which so clearly appeared to be trying to favour Huckabee, that I did wonder if it was actually by some other candidate trying to get people angry at him, but I suspect it was actually really just a really nasty piece of Atwater-style campaign tactics, and that it was actually from Huckabee.
He had seemed goofy, likeable in a fascistic sort of way --- humourous on the Colbert Report. Now, after his statements on religion and the constitution, and this push-polling, he looks seriously ugly. I was never going to be for him, and didn't want to see him as the Republican candidate: I already thought he was scary. But now, it is an order of magnitude worse.

Yours, pushed.

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