Saturday, February 16, 2008

Happy new year

From what I understand from reading about it on the web, the Chinese New Year celebration lasts for a couple of weeks, and various days have special significance. One of the traditions is that of days which are auspicious to have visitors -- family and friends -- come over and participate in a feast.
And today is either one of those days, or very close to it.
So we had friends over this evening, and ate, and enjoyed each others company, wished each other a happy new year (again), and all in all had a good time.
After we'd eaten our fill, and had taken the remnants out to the kitchen, we swung children around to the Beatles --- a very joyful, if not-particularly-traditional end to a Chinese new year feast!

Yours, still singing obla di blada,

1 comment:

Joke said...

I'm embarrassed to admit that I'm still writing "Year of the Boar" on all my checks.
