As you can see, the falls were lacking in water: rather an insipid drop: still pretty, but the drought has really become made plain.

The water was flowing just enough to look crystal clear: but last time we were here, the water level was about three feet higher, and much faster. This time, it was clear that socks and shoes had to come off.

Both children rolled up their trousers: Skibo, of course, managed to fall down in the water several times --- and had we thought to bring a change of trousers for him? Of course we hadn't.

LOML was seized with an urge to do a series on feet. Here are two of them.

As a scientist, I was pleased to see examples of geology. Or rocks, or stones, or whatever these are. Pretty:-)
Yours, from the falls,
Some lovely photographs...it certainly seems that you had a great day out! And it looks considerably warmer there than it is here today.
I like the picture of the pebbles! ;@)
We certainly did have a lovely time --- and the photo of the pebbles was put up with you in mind:-)
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