Thursday, June 28, 2007

Other people's tragedy

Since I started this site a month or so ago, I have read many more blogs by other people than I did before. And one of the things I seem to see more of, reading other people's lives, is that there are an immense number of tragedies going on. And not just sad, gutwrenchingly sad events, but true tragedies: in which life jumps up and whacks you on the head for feeling like everything is going so well. It is, I'm sure a reflection of the fact that people care about each other (even when they only know each other in silica) and link to the tragic. In fact, almost all of the tragedies I've heard about in the past few days I've found out about because someone linked to it, or to a link about it.
It makes me want to shake [me] and say "Snap out of your complacency!! Yes, life is really very good, but you need to savour every minute, and not just accept it as wonderful..."

And right now, I am at work, and am unable to give LOML, Boo and Skibo the hugs I need to give.

Yours, awakened,


Bev Sykes said...

A very good philosophy. It does put your own life in perspective when you look at the problems of others. Do remember, though, that just because someone else's tragedy seems overwhelming, it doesn't diminish the pain you may feel at the problems in your own life. Everyone deserves to savor the joy and experience their own pain.

Cornish Dreamer said...

I would agree with that. Certainly seeing other people's pain can put our own lives in perspective.

What surprises me the most is that, despite common belief, people are still capable of caring and I don't think that will ever change. In fact, I find that reassuring.

I like the motto: "live every moment like it was your last", but sometimes that's easer said than done.