Saturday, April 5, 2008

Annual town fete

Our little town has a festival on the town green every spring: it's mainly a collection of vendors, selling pottery, jewelery, handmade glassware, woodwork, etc. Most years we seem to get really lucky, and the weather is with us: this morning, we had about an inch of rain.
Fortunately it's a two day festival, and the forecast for tomorrow is 74 and sunny, which I hope will make up for everything.

I used to particularly like one vendor: a wonderful origami folder, who sold shadow boxes with models mounted inside. He was here every year, and it was usually my sole contact each year with another folder.
Unfortunately, he was not a US citizen, and he inadvertently overstayed a visa post 911 -- and as soon as it came to light, unfortunately trying to re-enter the country, he was shipped out on the next flight. I gather that he was told he had to wait five years before applying for another visa (and I suspect that he will never be given the right to live here again) but I keep hoping that one of these days I will run into him on the square.

Not this year.

Yours, disappointed,

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