Friday, January 11, 2008

The game's afoot

I've been polled several times over the past few weeks -- and each time, it's been
"Do you intend to vote in the upcoming primaries? Yes!
Do you intend to vote in the Republican or the Democratic primary? Democratic!
But today, in an automated poll phonecall, they continued to ask questions: including my favourite:
"Let's have some fun now: who is the sexiest candidate?"

I was tempted to admit to my necrophiliac vampiric tendencies and name one of Rudy, Fred or John McC (since they made that part of the call bipartisan) but I decided that at this point, I want to give John Edwards any boost I possibly can: so I hereby annoint John E sexy. I do have to say, having seen him at a distance of a few feet, he doesn't look as old as his bio claims.... I figure that if the poll has typical numbers, I have probably just shifted his numbers by two thousandths of a percentage point or so....

Yours, counted,


awareness said...

he did have a sexy looking tan in New Hampshire........or perhaps it was a male hot flash.

what a bizarre question! I can't imagine a question like that being asked here without the whining pc police phoning the CBC.

BreadBox said...

Well, he certainly can't yet be said to have been "flushed with success" given the results so far.....

Hope that that changes soon....

kenju said...

He IS sexy-looking; handsome and looks younger than he really is. I have been in his home here (not the newer one) and seen photos of him and Elizabeth when they were much younger. Both of them were outstanding in the looks department.

A guy who worked for him once told me that he thought John was the smartest person he had ever met, until he met Elizabeth.

kenju said...

Oh, and yes, that is a bizarre question for a pollster.