Sunday, October 17, 2010

New bicycle

I've been thinking about buying a new bicycle for a while now -- the old one is perfectly serviceable, if you know how to service it -- but I don't, by and large.
The silliest little annoying detail is the fact that it was made (nearly twenty years ago!) back when most bikes still used presta valves, and the wheels are a slightly odd dimension, so it's apparently non-trivial to replace with Schrader valves instead.  And all pumps these days are made for Schrader valves, and I am forever misplacing the tiny adapter.
Anyway, this afternoon I bought a new bike, a hybrid (i.e. not a racing bike, not a mountain bike, but half way between: straight handlebars, narrow tires).  Now to find a time to try it out: perhaps tomorrow  afternoon, or Tuesday morning, weather permitting.

Yours, looking forward to cycling again,

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