Sunday, November 8, 2009

How to live in the moment

How do we live in the moment?  And I refer specifically to the bombaloo moment, the moment at which all hell is breaking out all around, children are throwing things, attacting with small tools, fists and hands.  How do we survive, and allow our children to survive too, without beating their independence out of them?
How, how, how, do I persuade Skibo that violence is not an acceptable option?  When the thing I most want to do is to beat the impulse out of him?  Not only "how do I hold back?" for that, mostly, usually, I can do --- but how do I find an alternate strategy, a way to allow him to come to his senses, not to indulge in the impulse to throw, to hit, to kick?

Yours, feeling bombaloo still, while LOML puts them to bed,


awareness said...

assault him with kindness. :)

BreadBox said...

This is indeed how LOML and I are trying to handle it --- through clenched teeth, clenched fists, clenched stomach muscles, clenched everything.
We do believe in gentle firmness, we do believe in gentle firmness, we do believe in gentle firmness....

Sometimes, though and unfortunately with increasing frequency, he can be extraordinarily difficult....