Saturday, March 29, 2008

A good race

A good race. I thought at the start that Oxford looked stronger, but was extremely pleasantly surprised by how strong and collected the Cambridge crew looked. Until I looked away from the screen for a few seconds, looked back, and the light blues had lost a length, gone from being up, looking in command, to behind, looking rushed.
They never came back. Within a short while it became apparent that Oxford had gained the upper hand, and that we weren't going to come back.

Mind you, when I found out we'd lost our stroke this week to heart problems, it didn't augur well!

Yours, disappointed, but thrilled to have been able to watch the race,


Nikki - Notes of Life said...

I watched the race too :) Didn't know who to cheer on though!

alice c said...

It was very windy and that made the race slightly more unpredictable than it should have been - given the weight superiority of the Oxford crew.

BreadBox said...

I think that losing their stroke three days before the race must have taken a huge toll on the Cambridge crew too. They train for months together, to develop an amazing rhythm, and then get thrown for a loop like that....
