Saturday, March 15, 2008

Red plate day

We have a tradition of a red plate: when someone has a great day (or a really rotten one) they get to use a red plate in celebration (or to cheer them up).
This morning, Boo and LOML worked on some writing practice: LOML wrote some sentences in cursive, and then Boo traced them. Then, while LOML and my backs were turned, without either of us realizing what was going on, Boo had turned the page in her notebook and started to write more.
She brought it through to us in the kitchen: she had written "I like going to the zoo" --- albeit spelled somewhat differently: but mistakes or not, she's FIVE, fer crying out loud! And she's writing! Her own thoughts!
Once I picked myself up of the floor, chin and all, we all cried a little and told her how wonderful she is! And took photographs for grandparents etc to see...

And Boo got to use the red plate for breakfast. And for dinner:-)

Yours, blown away, just completely blown away!


Joke said...



Anonymous said...

I am so glad for you all!

Hugs for BOO!