Friday, March 28, 2008

A year gone by ---

and what have I accomplished?

My children are thriving. Some thanks to me, and more to LOML! But they are really thriving: and it is an utter delight to hear some of the things that they say, to see some of the things that they do.
I've inspired a few people to stretch their talents: in various arenas, but perhaps most notably, the children I teach origami to. They've outdone themselves this year.
I've cooked a lot, concocted new things, tried, experimented, mixed and muddled, baked and broiled. Much that is good, little that is downright awful. That is, I think, a pretty good accomplishment.
Surprisingly, I've written hundreds of blog postings, and while I don't have a good estimate for the average number of words, this is already well over a hundred. I'm guessing that I've written something between 100,000 and half a million words. Of course, that is not only hard to estimate, it's not even clear what the truth would be (for example, some of my posts include lyrics to songs, where I cut and pasted the lyrics. Do those count as words? How about if I cut and pasted a poem? If it was a poem I had written? But not this year?)
Of course, quantity says nothing about quality. I've enjoyed sharing a few thoughts, and I hope that some others have enjoyed them too.

But as new years go, this one was less eventful than many recent years have been. And that's not necessarily a bad thing:-)

Yours, turning another page,

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