Saturday, September 4, 2010


I'm confused.  I have comment moderation switched on, and so I see all the attempts to make inappropriate comments here before they appear --- or rather, before I delete them. 
And I understand that there are deterministic algorithms that the spammers use to decide which post to attempt to post a spam comment to.

But really, is cats, catastrophes and aphorisms really that enticing a piece for a spammer?  Enticing enough that three quarters of the spam comments want to link here?

Yours, confused, bemused, and a little amused,

1 comment:

carmilevy said...

I've crinkled my brow at this as well. Best I can figure, there's no topical connection to anything. The goal is to get their link in as many corners of the Internet as possible, and they'll constantly shift tactics to beat whatever defenses we put up.

I just nuked a couple of particularly questionable ones, and had to resist the urge to trace them back to their source and return the favor in kind. In the end, I left it at that: No sense wasting cycles on those who have no clue.