Sunday, September 26, 2010

Bike rodeo

We went to the bike rodeo this afternoon: the event, organized by Skibo's cub scout troop, promised a great time for all.
Unfortunately, to begin with, the weather showed as much co-operative spirit as Senator DeMint.  Secondly, when we arrived, there were no girls there other than Boo, who took this to mean that girls were unwelcome, and promptly had a mini-meltdown.
Eventually things picked up, and children started to have fun.  But the folks organizing the event had failed to figure out how to have adults leading and guiding the children cycling, and there were a few minor accidents.  After one, involving Skibo and a ramp, and what could have been a nasty fall but wasn't, we decided to leave and snuggle inside at home instead.

Yours, having learned some lessons about organizing an event by watching this,

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