Monday, February 16, 2009

Try, try, try

try, try, try, try, try again....

LOML has been volunteering at the elementary school, writing grants, teaching science, etc. And I'm acting as tech support. As part of the latest grant, which needs to be put in the mail tomorrow, we've just spent days, literally days, working to transfer a video from a DVD to a computer, from the VOB files to editable WMV files, getting them captioned, all put together into one video file, written to DVD, uploaded to the web, etc.

At various times, we could have given up. And at various times, we did, but each time, we looked at each other and said "let's try another time". It took wrangling several different software packages, fighting counterintuitive interfaces, much cursing, cussing, swearing and worse, but finally, an hour or two ago, the project was done.

LOML can stick it in the mail tomorrow. All that I can say is this: LOML's done a wonderful job on this project, and if they fail to give the school the grant, then they deserve all the curses I'll throw their way!

Yours, cussed out, for now,

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