Sunday, February 15, 2009

DVDed we fail

I spent the day (well, less than half of my waking hours, but not by much) trying to figure out how to help LOML. Specifically, how to get video recorded by a sony video camera onto a DVD into a format that I could edit: that is, how to go from a VOB file to an AVI or WMV file.
I found solutions, several, but not one of them worked well. The one that came closest changed all the colours to a dark shade of drab, and refused to produce any audio. Others gave great sound, but not even a grayscale still image, let alone a movie. All in all, a very frustrating, very very very frustrating day. Hard to be someone's go-to on computing issues and get defeated that way. Over and over again. Both on linux and windows. By open source, shareware and commercial software.

Yours, in need of a soundproofed room,

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