Tuesday, August 24, 2010


Can we ridicule the country we choose to live in?
If it is the US, then the answer, unfortunately, is "yes, all to easily".
Assuming that this report at Salon is correct, there is a school district that is now requiring its students to bring supplies to school.  And when I say supplies, I don't mean number 2 pencils.  No, I mean supplies to deal with a different sort of number two: I mean toilet paper.
We've brought fifty pounds per child of supplies to school here further east --- dry erase markers, reams and reams of paper, folders, scissors, glue, etc.  But we've never been asked to supply such essential items before.
I could have understood if this was Texas, perhaps.  Alabama, well maybe.  But....

Yours, hoping this is a hoax, but fearing that it is actually Hawaii, of all places,

1 comment:

joke said...

Pretty soon we'll have to pay for the electricity for the classrooms.