Friday, February 1, 2008

Colbert and the Smithsonian

A post that writes itself: following my post from last month about Stephen Colbert and the Smithsonian, this morning I received the following email message:

Subject: New Smithsonian Channel Video: Colbert @ the Portrait Gallery (Reactions)
From: Christin Eubanks

Hi N.,

I noticed your post about the Colbert portrait in the National Portrait Gallery and thought you and your readers might be interested in this:

The Smithsonian Channel (my client) actually created a funny reaction video featuring the portrait. You can watch the video at the Smithsonian Channel Community here.

If you like the video and want to grab the embed code for your blog, you can find it on YouTube (just uploaded today):

Thanks for your attention. Hope you enjoy the video!


Christin Eubanks

Smithsonian Channel Community Administrator


I checked with Ms Eubanks that it was okay to post this here, and she said that it was fine: so now you can all share in the fun!

Yours, off to visit it now,