Saturday, October 4, 2008

Solar power

Here's an idea for the Obama campaign --- let's really push solar power. Let's really push developing affordable solar power: we've been investigating how much it would cost to install it for us, and it appears that it would be a figure
well into the (many) tens of thousands of dollar --- which of course we have lying around in pocket change (what is the dollar/pocket lint exchange rate today?)

But there is serious hope on the horizon. A couple of months ago, an Australian PhD student by the name of Nicole Kuepper won some well deserved accolades for her development of a much cheaper and less involved process to create solar cells. Her focus, laudably, is on how to bring inexpensive solar power to third world countries. But it seems likely that the techniques she's pioneering (described as "making solar cells from nail polish, an ink-jet printer and a pizza oven") could revolutionize the renewable energy industry.

Yours, ready to get baking,


Joke said...

That sounds like a brilliant idea. (Actually, anything that leaves OPEC sobbing hysterically is a good idea.)

I shall delve.


P.S. See? There can be common ground.

awareness said...

My sister and her husband built their own off the grid solar home. They do have a back up generator, but for the most part the whole house runs on solar. It was featured in last month's Harrowsmith magazine....I can't access the article or I'd send you the link. It's a great house....built just north of Burlington Ontario, right next to the Bruce trail and the Niagara Escarpment.

I agree with should be promoted more. But, I think we're close to seeing that happen