Saturday, January 9, 2010

Where travel is concerned, I'm Scrooge

Not because I object to the cost of travel (which, of course, I do --- doesn't everyone?) but because it makes me want to say "Bah.  Humbug."
When did this happen?  Back when I live near a major airport, when I could hop on the subway, and be at checkin within twenty minutes, and get a direct flight to most major destinations, travel was fun. 
Part of it, now that I have family, is that I don't want to be away from them.
But it's more, I'm sure.  It's not helped by the fact that flying from MAI, (minor airport international, one flight per year to somewhere other than the US gets them their "international" status) is more expensive: flying to San Francisco next week is a twelve hour trip, three flights, each way.  At least coming back it will give me a chance to catch up on my lack of sleep. 

Yours, Dickensianly,

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